

在香港的潮濕環境下,地氈往往是最容易滋生細菌和黴菌的地方之一。這些細菌和黴菌不僅會對人體健康造成威脅,還會導致地氈的品質下降。因此,定期清洗地氈對於保持居家環境的衛生和地氈的耐用性至關重要。 CleanClean 採用專業的地氈清潔機和高效能的地氈清潔劑或去污劑,進行地氈的深度清洗。這種地氈清洗機採用高速旋轉的刷子來清潔地氈上的污垢,徹底清除細菌和黴菌。同時,過濾功能的吸水機將污水吸乾,讓地氈快速恢復乾燥和乾爽的狀態。 除了有效清潔地氈, CleanClean 的清洗劑還能去除地氈上的異味和污漬。這種清洗方式比傳統的手工清洗更加高效和深入,可以徹底去除地氈上的污垢和異味,讓您的地氈看起來更加清新和清爽。尤其是在家有小孩和寵物的家庭, 我們的地氈清洗服務尤為適合,可以讓您的家居環境更加健康和清潔。 通過 CleanClean 的專業清洗,您可以保證地氈得到了完善的清洗和保養,地氈的使用壽命也得到了延長。此外,在的清洗過程中,我們使用的地氈清潔劑和去污劑都是環保和無害的,不會對您的家庭環境造成污染。如果您正在尋找一家專業的地氈清洗服務,CleanClean 將是您的最佳選擇。



地氈是一種非常常見的地板裝飾品,不僅可以為房間增添氣氛,還可以提高室內美感和舒適度。然而,長時間缺乏除塵螨及清洗,地氈上就會累積大量的灰塵、污垢、細菌和蟎蟲,危害人體健康。因此,定期清洗地氈是非常必要的。 地氈清洗並不是一件簡單的事情。由於地氈面積較廣、重量大,材料款式多樣,地氈清洗時需要用到專業器材及合適的地氈清潔劑。對於大多數人來說,缺乏經驗和器材,自行清洗地氈是很困難的。此外,不同的地氈材質和款式還需要有不同的清洗方法和技巧,這就需要專業人士來進行清洗。 如果您想保護您和您家人的健康,最好考慮尋求專業的地氈清洗服務。這些服務專業且可靠,可以在保護地氈的情況下,徹底去除地氈上的細菌和蟎蟲。此外, 我們還可以為您提供專業的維護建議,讓您更好地保持地氈的使用效果和壽命。

在選擇地氈清洗服務時,應該選擇使用環保且無害人體的清潔劑,以保護您和您家人的健康。最後,要確保他們有合適的設備和技術,以確保您的地氈得到最好的清洗效果。 地氈清洗是一項非常重要的工作,對於保護您和您家人的健康和安全至關重要。如果您不確定如何清洗地氈,或者想要更好地保護您的地氈,請考慮尋求專業的地氈清洗服務。.


在香港市面上有眾多的地氈清潔服務供應商應該點樣選擇? 除了要確保他們具有相關的專業知識和豐富的經驗,同時還要考慮價格、服務質量和口碑等因素。 CleanClean 專注於提供優質的服務質素。我們的團隊由經驗豐富的專業人員組成,掌握了最新的技術和最先進的設備,務求能夠滿足您各種需求。我們亦注重每一個細節,在每一個階段當中都會進行嚴格的監控和評估,確保您得到最優質的服務。








地氈除塵: 在進行任何工作之前,我們會先使用工業強度的吸塵設備清除地氈上的細小顆粒和垃圾。

清洗地氈: 我們會在污漬區域噴灑專業的地氈清潔劑,並進行重點清潔,注重每一個細節。我們使用地氈刷機或蒸洗機清洗地氈的所有覆蓋區域,能夠清除地氈上的污垢和污漬,並恢復化學平衡和原始色彩。

吸乾地氈水份: 我們會重新抽走殘留的地氈污水,以確保您的地氈徹底清潔和乾燥。

Formaldehyde Removal Services

Formaldehyde is a harmful substance that can have significant impact on human health. It is a colorless, toxic gas with a pungent odor. Long-term exposure to high levels of formaldehyde can cause symptoms such as headaches, eye fatigue, sore throat, and dryness, and can even lead to more serious health problems such as allergies, asthma, and skin disorders.

Formaldehyde is a common problem in new homes, offices, and cars. To protect your health, we offer professional formaldehyde removal services to help you effectively eliminate formaldehyde and create a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

## Importance of Formaldehyde Removal

Formaldehyde is a strong carcinogen that can cause significant damage to the cells in the human body when exposed to high concentrations over a long period of time. It can lead to various illnesses and even cancer. Therefore, formaldehyde treatment is essential for the safety and health of people in homes and workplaces. For newly renovated homes, offices, and cars, formaldehyde levels are often high, and professional formaldehyde removal is necessary to ensure human health. Formaldehyde removal not only reduces the harm to human health, but also improves indoor air quality, making your life healthier and more comfortable.

## Our Formaldehyde Removal Service

Our formaldehyde removal service covers various environments, including newly renovated homes, offices, and cars. Our technicians are professionally trained and have extensive experience and skills in formaldehyde removal, providing you with the best quality service.

Our formaldehyde removal service includes the following steps:

## Environmental Testing

Before formaldehyde treatment, we will conduct tests to determine the concentration and distribution of formaldehyde in the environment. Based on the test results, we can determine the most suitable formaldehyde removal plan.

## Formaldehyde Treatment

We use advanced formaldehyde removal technology to reduce the formaldehyde concentration to below safety standards. Our treatment agents are tested and will not cause any harm to humans and the environment.

## Environmental Testing

After formaldehyde treatment, we will conduct tests to confirm that the formaldehyde concentration has been reduced to below safety standards.

## Our Guarantee

We are committed to providing customers with the best quality formaldehyde removal service to ensure your safety and health. Our technicians are professionally trained and can conduct formaldehyde removal quickly and effectively. Our treatment agents and tools are tested and safe and reliable. If you are not satisfied with our service, we will provide a full refund or re-treatment.

## Contact Us

If you need formaldehyde removal services, please contact our professional team. We will provide you with the best quality service to make your living environment healthier and more comfortable. We offer convenient online booking services, or you can call our customer service hotline. Our customer service staff will answer any questions you may have and arrange the most suitable formaldehyde removal time for you.

During the formaldehyde removal process, we will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations and operating norms to ensure safety, environmental protection, and efficiency. We will continue to provide customers with the best quality formaldehyde removal services to make your life healthier and more comfortable.

